About Our School
Student Life
Family / Community
To inspire and equip our students for college and career and for meaningful lives of leadership and service as world citizens.
Our graduates will be creative, critical thinkers, collaborators, effective communicators and ethical citizens.
We Believe:
Students' education should be a collaborative effort, with responsibility shared by the student, the parents, the school, the community and the state.
Students should be provided with maximum opportunities to develop to their fullest potential.
Students should exemplify citizenship, self-sufficiency, and strong moral character as contributing and responsible members of a diverse society.
Students should be respectful of differences in cultures, customs, religions, languages, and special needs.
Students should be prepared for the technologies in the twenty-first century.
Students should develop social skills and leadership potential through academic and extracurricular activities.
The school should provide a safe and positive learning environment.
Instructional programs should be continually developed, monitored, and refined to meet the evolving educational needs of all students.
A highly trained, professional, and respected staff, in combination with students and parents who are committed to the educational process, should be the foundation of the program at the school.
Sapientia, Vires, et Pax (Wisdom, Strength, and Peace)