Gifted and Talented

Welcome to Odyssey

ODYSSEY consists of a series of programs provided by School District 7 to meet the needs of gifted and talented students in grades 3-12. Our mission is to facilitate the journey from high potential to outstanding performance. We accomplish this by providing services that match the unique characteristics and needs of high achieving students.
At the elementary level, ODYSSEY I serves academically gifted and talented students in grade 3. ODYSSEY II serves academically gifted and talented students in grades 4-5. As defined by the state of South Carolina, the gifted and talented are students who have the academic and intellectual potential to function at a high level in one or more fields of study.
At the middle school and high school level, ODYSSEY III serves academically/intellectually gifted and talented students through courses in Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science, as well as specialized ODYSSEY seminars. Advanced and accelerated Math courses are offered to qualifying ODYSSEY and non-ODYSSEY students, as well as an extensive selection of Advanced Placement courses at the high school level.
Theatre ODYSSEY serves students who are gifted and talented in the theatre arts through classes, Saturday workshops, and a summer program.