District 7 will operate on a two-hour delay on Monday, January 13. Our safety team spent the day assessing road conditions, and found many icy patches persist on back roads. These conditions could create a safety risk for our buses, student drivers, and staff traveling in those areas. A two-hour delay will allow daylight to improve visibility and temperatures time to rise.    Two-Hour Delay Times:   A two-hour delay means everything shifts back two hours from its normal time. For example, if your bus normally arrives at 6:30 AM, it should arrive at approximately 8:30 AM. The tardy bell for each school will be exactly two hours later than that school’s tardy bell on a regular school day.  Thank you for your patience and understanding, as safety is always our top priority.
29 days ago, D7 Communications
two hour delay graphic
While we're waiting on the snow . . . Make sure your prepare to support our basketball teams at their theme nights beginning this upcoming week!
about 1 month ago, Carver Middle School
Wildcat Athletics
Wildcat Athletics
District 7 Announces eLearning Day for Friday, January 10, 2025 For the safety of our students and staff, Spartanburg School District 7 will hold an eLearning day on Friday, January 10. Additionally, all afterschool and weekend activities have been canceled. The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Watch, with snow and sleet expected to impact our area beginning early Friday morning. Teachers will communicate details regarding e-Learning assignments during the school day today and additional information about District 7’s e-Learning guidelines can be found at at spartanburg7.org/eLearning. Thank you for your understanding, as safety is always our top priority. We hope our D7 Family has the opportunity to enjoy some time in the snow. Stay safe and have fun!
about 1 month ago, D7 Communications
eLearning Day graphic
Our wrestlers continue to grow and improve! Love to see the efforts last night! #carverisgoingforgreat
about 1 month ago, Carver Middle School
Carver Wrestling
Carver Wrestling
Carver Wrestling
Carver Wrestling
During our January 7th Board of Trustees meeting, two Trustees were recognized by the South Carolina School Boards Association for 10 years of service on our Board. Thank you to chairman Clay Mahaffey and to Meg Clayton for their dedicated service over this past decade! Additionally, we thanked our entire Board with a moment to acknowledge the important work they do and present gifts of appreciation from the district in observance of National School Board Recognition Month. This year’s S.C. School Boards Association theme is “All In” - our Board, our faculty and staff, and our students and families are absolutely “All In” every day in D7!
about 1 month ago, D7 Communications
Clay Mahaffey, Superintendent Jeff Stevens, and Meg Clayton
School Board Association “All In” theme
WEEKLY ATHLETICS January 6th-10th MONDAY, JANUARY 6th Girls BB Practice 2:00-3:30 Boys BB Practice 3:30-5:00 Wrestling Practice 3:30-5:15 TUESDAY, JANUARY 7th Girls BB Practice 3:30-5:00 Boys BB Practice 5:00-6:30 Wrestling Match @ McCracken 5:00pm WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8th Girls BB Practice 3:00-5:00 Boys BB Practice 5:00-6:30 Wrestling Practice 3:30-5:15 THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th THEME NIGHT: Camo Night HOME GAME vs Florence Chapel -7th Grade Boys @ 4:30 -Girls @ 5:45 -8th Grade Boys @ 7:00 Wrestling Practice 3:30-5:15 FRIDAY, JANUARY 10TH Wrestling Practice 3:30-5:15 SATURDAY, JANUARY 11th Wrestling Match @ Boiling Springs HS 9:00am
about 1 month ago, Carver Middle School
2025: Growing, Glowing, and Going for Great! New year, new heights! In 2025, we’re not just starting strong — we’re GOING FOR GREAT! Students, the countdown is on — see you Tuesday, January 7, for a year of big dreams and bold moves!
about 1 month ago, D7 Communications
2025 Students Back on Jan 7
Winter Break for some, time to grapple for others! Our Wrestling Team competed at the Christmas Classic Tournament at Boiling Springs High School today and had a great tournament! 4th placers Kellen Gist DJ Wardlow Jordan Foster Kingston Culp Vincent Mullins 2nd Place Kavin Drummond Thank you to Coach Sowell and Coach Heard for their dedication to the team. #Carverisgoingforgreat
about 2 months ago, Carver Middle School
Christmas Classic Wrestling Tournament
Christmas Classic Wrestling Tournament
Santa stopped by Carver this morning to deliver gifts to some of our students.!
about 2 months ago, Carver Middle School
 Santa and students
Santa and students
Santa and students
Have you seen our district's holiday video greeting featuring student artwork from each of our schools? Check it out - the link is in our news feed and on our social media pages!
about 2 months ago, D7 Communications
Student artwork of a hot chocolate mug by Nadia Demidovich from Jesse Boyd Elementary
Only a few days left to pre-order your yearbook for the low, low cost of $25! Go to www.strawbridge.net or bring cash to the library. Use the code YB30289. In addition 8th grade parents can purchase a special ad for their student. Click here to purchase an ad.
about 2 months ago, Carver Middle School
We need to take a moment and honor some amazing educators!!! Mrs. Craig (7th Grade ELA) and Mrs. Eison (6th Grade Math) were named our October Teachers of the Month! Mrs. Roper (Media Specialist) was named our November Teacher of the Month! These educators show up and give their best to children. They hold high expectations for students and their belief in them motivates students to achieve. Help us congratulate these educators! #Carverisgoingforgreat
about 2 months ago, Carver Middle School
October Teachers of the Month
November Teacher of the Month
Carver Wildcat Dance Team puts on a show for the city at the Annual Spartanburg Christmas Parade!! Great job dancers and coaches! They consistently bring ENERGY and EXCELLENCE!!! Our mascot, SWAG, even made an appearance!#Carverisgoingforgreat
about 2 months ago, Carver Middle School
Carver Wildcat Dance Team puts on a show for the city at the Annual Spartanburg Christmas Parade!! Great job dancers and coaches! They consistently bring ENERGY and EXCELLENCE!!!  #Carverisgoingforgreat
Carver Wildcat Dance Team puts on a show for the city at the Annual Spartanburg Christmas Parade!! Great job dancers and coaches! They consistently bring ENERGY and EXCELLENCE!!!  #Carverisgoingforgreat
Carver Wildcat Dance Team puts on a show for the city at the Annual Spartanburg Christmas Parade!! Great job dancers and coaches! They consistently bring ENERGY and EXCELLENCE!!!  #Carverisgoingforgreat
Carver Wildcat Dance Team puts on a show for the city at the Annual Spartanburg Christmas Parade!! Great job dancers and coaches! They consistently bring ENERGY and EXCELLENCE!!!  #Carverisgoingforgreat
WEEKLY ATHLETICS DECEMBER 16th-19th MONDAY, DECEMBER 16th AWAY GAME @ Gaffney -7th grade boys @ 4:30 -Girls @ 5:45 -8th grade boys @ 7:00 Wrestling Practice 3:30-5:15 Cheer Practice 3:30-5:00 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17th Girls BB Practice @ CC Woodson 3:30-5:00 Boys BB Practice @ CC Woodson 5:00-6:30 Wrestling Match @ Carver Middle 5:00pm WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18th Boys BB Practice 3:00-5:00 Girls BB Practice 5:00-6:30 Wrestling Practice 3:30-5:15 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19th HOME GAME vs Florence Chapel -7th Grade Boys @ 4:30 -Girls @ 5:45 -8th Grade Boys @ 7:00 Wrestling Practice 3:30-5:15
about 2 months ago, Carver Middle School
Yesterday, our 5th cohort of students graduated from the Junior Citizens Academy with the City of Spartanburg Police Department. This program is phenomenal and exposes our students to many different aspects of local government and law enforcement. Over the semester they had experiences with the Fire Department, Police Chaplains, Forensics, SWAT, K-9 Unit, Judicial and the Courthouse, Real Time Crime and others. The program connects students with mentors and advocates who support them in the community. In their essay assignment, the students clearly saw how this program connects them to their future college and career plans. They also heard and excellent keynote from Entrepreneur and Mentor Scott McHam. Thank you to the City of Spartanburg Police Department for their excellent work in this program. #Carverisgoingforgreat
2 months ago, Carver Middle School
Junior Citizens Graduation Cohort 5
Junior Citizens Graduation Cohort 5
Junior Citizens Graduation Cohort 5
Junior Citizens Graduation Cohort 5
Junior Citizens Graduation Cohort 5
Junior Citizens Graduation Cohort 5
Junior Citizens Graduation Cohort 5
Junior Citizens Graduation Cohort 5
Junior Citizens Graduation Cohort 5
Junior Citizens Graduation Cohort 5
The Carver Wildcat Dance Team had an excellent performance last night at the 43rd Annual Evening of Talent Expressions. Their performances just keep getting better and better! We are grateful to be invited to perform alongside many other outstanding and talented youth in the upstate. Thank to Coaches Saleda Wiles, Candice Logan, and Chasity Smith! #Carverisgoingforgreat
2 months ago, Carver Middle School
Carver Wildcat Dance Team
Carver Wildcat Dance Team
Carver Wildcat Dance Team
Our school is full of wonderful educators, and not just adults! Mr. Collins and Mr. Nchinda presented a great lesson on plot to Mrs. McCarter-Smith's 6th grade English class. They even had Principal Edwards participate in their activity and take their assessment. How did he do? #Carverisgoingforgreat
2 months ago, Carver Middle School
Mr. Collins and Mr. Nchinda presented a great lesson on plot to Mrs. McCarter-Smith's 6th grade English class.
Mr. Collins and Mr. Nchinda presented a great lesson on plot to Mrs. McCarter-Smith's 6th grade English class.
Mr. Collins and Mr. Nchinda presented a great lesson on plot to Mrs. McCarter-Smith's 6th grade English class.
Mr. Collins and Mr. Nchinda presented a great lesson on plot to Mrs. McCarter-Smith's 6th grade English class.
Mr. Collins and Mr. Nchinda presented a great lesson on plot to Mrs. McCarter-Smith's 6th grade English class.
WEEKLY ATHLETICS DECEMBER 9TH-13TH MONDAY, DECMBER 9th HOME GAME vs Rainbow Lake -7th grade boys @ 4:30 -Girls @ 5:45 -8th grade boys @ 7:00 Wrestling Practice 3:30-5:15 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10th Girls BB Practice 3:30-5:00 Boys BB Practice 5:00-6:30 Wrestling Match @ Chesnee High School 5:00pm WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11th Girls BB Practice 3:30-5:00 @ CC Woodson Boys BB Practice 5:00-6:30 @ CC Woodson Wrestling Practice 3:30-5:15 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12th AWAY GAME @ Abner Creek -7th Grade Boys @ 4:30 -Girls @ 5:45 -8th Grade Boys @ 7:00 Wrestling Practice 3:30-5:15 FIRDAY, DECEMBER 13th Boys BB Practice 3:30-5:00 Wrestling Practice 3:30-5:15 SATURDAY , DECEMBER 14th WRESTLING MATCH @ MCCRACKEN @ 9:00
2 months ago, Carver Middle School
Please consider supporting our PALS club fundraiser! PALS is a girls mentoring Club at Carver. They support all aspects of growth and development of their club members. Check out their fundraiser at this link! https://popup.doublegood.com/s/3026kizb
2 months ago, Carver Middle School
PALS Club Fundraiser
2 months ago, Carver Middle School
football banquet poster