🌟🎉 Happy School Resource Officer Day! 🎉🌟 Today, we celebrate our amazing School Resource Officers across Spartanburg School District 7! 🚔💙 These dedicated men and women are so much more than just safety personnel; they are invaluable members of our school family. From the moment they walk through our doors, our SROs engage with students and staff, building lasting relationships that foster trust and support within our school community. They are always present, in the hallways, at events, and on the playground, making sure everyone feels safe and valued. Their commitment to ensuring a safe learning environment allows our students to thrive, and their positive influence inspires our youth to be their best selves every day. 🌟 Here’s to our SROs – thank you for your service, your guidance, and for being an essential part of our school life! We appreciate all that you do to keep us safe and help shape our future leaders! 💪🛡️ #SRODay #D7isGoingForGreat #ToInspireAndEquip
2 days ago, D7 Communications
School Resource Officers are Superheroes!
As a Reminder! Tomorrow, Friday, February 14 is an eLearning days for students, serving as a make-up day for some of the six school days missed last fall during Hurricane Helene. Legislators are still discussing whether to grant school boards flexibility to waive additional days. Students will have two school days after each make-up day to complete and submit their eLearning assignments. If you need childcare, the City of Spartanburg is offering two day camps for students – one for ages 5-12 at CC Woodson Community Center from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and one for ages 13-17 at the Dr. TK Gregg Center from 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Snacks will be served and there is NO COST to participate, but advance registration is required. We are thankful for the City’s partnership in supporting our students!
4 days ago, D7 Communications
elearning day
cc woodson camp
city camp
🌟 Happy National School Counseling Week! 🌟 Our exceptional counseling teams in Spartanburg School District 7 are in the spotlight this week! Their dedication to nurturing the minds and hearts of our students makes a world of difference. 💖 From the compassion they show in helping our youngest elementary learners navigate social skills and develop resilience, to the guidance they provide middle schoolers during crucial transitional years both academically and personally, to the mentorship they offer in helping high school students explore college and career paths—their roles are vital in shaping all students’ futures. 🎓 Thank you to these heroes for being our students’ champions, believing in their potential, offering a safe space to talk, providing essential resources, and fostering an environment where everyone can thrive. We appreciate the countless ways they inspire and equip students to reach their full potential! Lisa Kerns - Career Specialist for all middle schools; Jesse Boyd - Patricia (Tricia) Pressley; Cleveland Academy - Karen Meadow-Rogers; Drayton Mills - Bettina Johnson, Courtney Huffman; Mary H. Wright - Kenneth Smith, Le'Jeta Proctor; Pine Street - Natalie Mullen, Jodi Stepp; EP Todd - Brandon Jones, Dr. Shani Fischer; Carver - Ebony Smith-Salters, Andrea Little, Erica Smith; McCracken - Daniel O'Brien, Naila Ray, Anthony Brothers; Spartanburg High - Erin Lyerly, Terri Roberson, Shara Jones, O'Shay Davenport, Denise Foster, Dr. Matt Love, Lauren Hicklin, Piper Holmes, Addie Jones; Daniel Morgan Technology - Teleisha Fields, Delilah Goode; Whitlock Flexible Learning - Alison Wight, Fred Ford; MCarthy-Teszler - Carmelita Byrd
12 days ago, D7 Communications
District 7 School Counselors
National School Counseling Week graphic
🌟 Happy National School Counseling Week! 🌟 Our exceptional counseling teams in Spartanburg School District 7 are in the spotlight this week! Their dedication to nurturing the minds and hearts of our students makes a world of difference. 💖 From the compassion they show in helping our youngest elementary learners navigate social skills and develop resilience, to the guidance they provide middle schoolers during crucial transitional years both academically and personally, to the mentorship they offer in helping high school students explore college and career paths—their roles are vital in shaping all students’ futures. 🎓 Thank you to these heroes for being our students’ champions, believing in their potential, offering a safe space to talk, providing essential resources, and fostering an environment where everyone can thrive. We appreciate the countless ways they inspire and equip students to reach their full potential! #D7isGoingForGreat #ToInspireAndEquip #NSCW25
12 days ago, D7 Communications
District 7 School Counselors
National School Counseling Week graphic
Across District 7, our schools are celebrating Black History Month throughout February. Studying important historical and modern-day Black figures and their contributions inspires a wide variety of learning opportunities, such as hosting a wax museum, hearing from guest speakers, creating new inventions, making artwork, school-wide assemblies and spirit days, creating book-inspired quilts, decorating classroom doors, and much more. Check out our schools’ social media pages for individual lists of events and photos of our students in action throughout the month!
13 days ago, D7 Communications
Celebrating Black History Month
District 7 will hold an eLearning day on Wednesday, January 22 due to winter weather conditions. The National Weather Service has issued both a "Winter Weather Advisory" and a "Severe Weather Advisory" for Spartanburg County, calling for wind chill as low as -7 for tomorrow morning and the possibility of continued snowfall. Unsafe road conditions are expected, as temperatures are projected to remain below freezing throughout tomorrow.   Teachers will communicate details regarding eLearning assignments and additional information about District 7’s eLearning guidelines can be found at spartanburg7.org/eLearning.   Thank you for your understanding, as safety is always our highest priority.
27 days ago, D7 Communications
eLearning Day announcement
The wait is over! Our 2025-2026 academic school calendar is here, ready to help you map out the school year ahead. From planning family trips to marking key milestones, this essential tool has you covered. Need an easy-to-access version? Simply click here to download it: https://www.spartanburg7.org/d7academiccalendar
27 days ago, D7 Communications
2025-2026 D7 Academic  Calendar
District 7 schools will operate on regular schedule on Tuesday, January 14. We hope our D7 Family is having a great to start to the week!
about 1 month ago, D7 Communications
Regular Schedule for Tuesday
District 7 will operate on a two-hour delay on Monday, January 13. Our safety team spent the day assessing road conditions, and found many icy patches persist on back roads. These conditions could create a safety risk for our buses, student drivers, and staff traveling in those areas. A two-hour delay will allow daylight to improve visibility and temperatures time to rise.    Two-Hour Delay Times:   A two-hour delay means everything shifts back two hours from its normal time. For example, if your bus normally arrives at 6:30 AM, it should arrive at approximately 8:30 AM. The tardy bell for each school will be exactly two hours later than that school’s tardy bell on a regular school day.  Thank you for your patience and understanding, as safety is always our top priority.
about 1 month ago, D7 Communications
two hour delay graphic
District 7 Announces eLearning Day for Friday, January 10, 2025 For the safety of our students and staff, Spartanburg School District 7 will hold an eLearning day on Friday, January 10. Additionally, all afterschool and weekend activities have been canceled. The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Watch, with snow and sleet expected to impact our area beginning early Friday morning. Teachers will communicate details regarding e-Learning assignments during the school day today and additional information about District 7’s e-Learning guidelines can be found at at spartanburg7.org/eLearning. Thank you for your understanding, as safety is always our top priority. We hope our D7 Family has the opportunity to enjoy some time in the snow. Stay safe and have fun!
about 1 month ago, D7 Communications
eLearning Day graphic
During our January 7th Board of Trustees meeting, two Trustees were recognized by the South Carolina School Boards Association for 10 years of service on our Board. Thank you to chairman Clay Mahaffey and to Meg Clayton for their dedicated service over this past decade! Additionally, we thanked our entire Board with a moment to acknowledge the important work they do and present gifts of appreciation from the district in observance of National School Board Recognition Month. This year’s S.C. School Boards Association theme is “All In” - our Board, our faculty and staff, and our students and families are absolutely “All In” every day in D7!
about 1 month ago, D7 Communications
Clay Mahaffey, Superintendent Jeff Stevens, and Meg Clayton
School Board Association “All In” theme
2025: Growing, Glowing, and Going for Great! New year, new heights! In 2025, we’re not just starting strong — we’re GOING FOR GREAT! Students, the countdown is on — see you Tuesday, January 7, for a year of big dreams and bold moves!
about 1 month ago, D7 Communications
2025 Students Back on Jan 7
We got our Holiday Spirit on this morning at our annual Holiday Program!
about 2 months ago, McCarthy Teszler
Blue Hall
Yellow Hall
Purple Hall
Middle School
High School Band
High School
Peach Hall
Have you seen our district's holiday video greeting featuring student artwork from each of our schools? Check it out - the link is in our news feed and on our social media pages!
2 months ago, D7 Communications
Student artwork of a hot chocolate mug by Nadia Demidovich from Jesse Boyd Elementary
The McCarthy Teszler Holiday Program is a special tradition that you don't want to miss!!!
2 months ago, McCarthy Teszler
Holiday Program
🎉✨ Happy National Special Education Day! ✨🎉 Today, we honor and celebrate the incredible work of our dedicated teachers, teaching assistants, therapists, and support staff who bring learning to life for our amazing students every single day. ❤️ Our staff leadership team has put together some exciting activities to make this day extra special! 🌟 Stay tuned for updates, photos, and fun moments as we show our appreciation for the extraordinary individuals who make a difference in the lives of our students. Thank you for being part of our journey as we continue Soaring to New Heights together! 🦅💙
3 months ago, McCarthy Teszler
National Special Education Day
Happy Thanksgiving, D7 Family! This has been quite a school year so far – while wonderful things are happening for our students every day, we have also had unexpected challenges from Hurricane Helene's impact on our school year. There is a silver lining in all things, however, and the good that came from the storm was how it brought our community together to care for and support one another. Our students, staff, and families played a big role in the effort, and that makes me especially proud and grateful for everyone this Thanksgiving. Over the past several days, our schools have been buzzing with holiday excitement and activities. From a Thanksgiving meal drive at our high school where students packed more than 200 grocery bags to help families in need celebrate a meal together, to creative learning assignments inspired by turkeys and holiday traditions, to special menus in our cafeterias and class parties with family members, they are all a reminder of what makes this community so special. From all of us in District 7, please know we are truly thankful for each of you and the support you give to our schools every day. Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and joyful Thanksgiving! Superintendent Jeff Stevens
3 months ago, D7 Communications
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving
This is your friendly reminder that t-shirt orders are due on Tuesday after Thanksgiving break! This is us!
3 months ago, McCarthy Teszler
cafeteria staff
Holiday Shopping Galore! Please join us for our Holiday Bazaar! Our students have been hard at work creating Holiday decor, snacks, and gifts.
3 months ago, McCarthy Teszler
Holiday Bazaar 12/6/26
Thanksgiving Family Lunch is ready! We are so thankful for our families and the support they show us!
3 months ago, McCarthy Teszler
Thanksgiving tables
Thanksgiving table