About Our School
Student Life
Family / Community
It is unlawful for any non-student to be on school grounds at any time without permission from the principal. Visitors must go directly to the main office to state their business.
Students who are absent or suspended are not to be on school premises without the permission of the principal.
All parties should remain in their vehicles.
The drop-off/pick-up area is around the loop in the front of the school.
The front parking lot spaces are reserved for visitors.
Students are not allowed to have visitors at school.
Visitor’s passes are not issued without the principal’s approval.
District 7 policy requires periodic unannounced searches of cars, book bags, classrooms, and lockers by trained drug dogs. Security/surveillance cameras are located throughout the building and in all student parking lots. Make sure your vehicle is locked while on school grounds and do not leave valuables visible in your car. Parents will be notified in a timely manner following the search if warranted.
Students and parents should be aware that state law treats all persons entering the premises of the school as having consented to a reasonable search, with or without probable cause, of such persons and their effects, including without limitation, lockers, desks, vehicles, and personal belongings such as purses, book bags, wallets, and satchels.