Emergency Closing Information
When inclement weather threatens our area, District 7 administrators use every resource available to make the best, and SAFEST, decision for our students, teachers and staff. Our District administration team, along with our Transportation department, consults local weather officials, the SC Department of Transportation, and when needed, local law enforcement, to assist in this process. After monitoring weather conditions and ensuring we have the most accurate information on the forecast, District officials will make a decision on whether to open, close campuses early, cancel school, or delay opening.
If you want to know as soon as the District makes a decision regarding closing, or delaying school, be sure you "like" our social media pages! Parents, families, and employees will also receive weather notifications through our automated phone and email system.
When making inclement weather decisions, one of the first, and most important, issues the district must consider is transportation. Thousands of our students ride the bus to and from school every day. Many others ride in cars with their parents or families. As the safety of our students is always District 7's first priority, we must consider the condition of our roads and transportation hazards when it comes to inclement weather. After an inclement weather event, our transportation team does a thorough examination of major and secondary roads throughout the district. If any snow, ice or hazards still exist, this weighs heavily on the District's decision to cancel, delay, or open school.
Early Dismissal:
Parents/guardians will receive notification through an automated phone call and email
Notification will also immediately be sent out through our social media pages, and an alert will be added to the homepage of our District and school websites
School Cancellation and eLearning Days:
When possible, District administrators, along with Superintendents from all Spartanburg County districts, try to make inclement weather decisions the night before to allow parents, families and employees as much advance notice as possible.
If a decision cannot be made until morning, the District tries to make that decision no later than 6:00 a.m.
Notification will also immediate be sent out through our automated phone call and email systems, social media pages, and posted as an alert on our District and school websites
Local TV stations, including WYFF, WSPA, FOX, and WLOS, along with the Spartanburg Herald Journal, will also be notified
Delayed Opening of School:
When the District delays opening its campuses, it will use the same methods of communication as in "School Cancellation"
Employees are expected to report to work at the announced delayed time, barring any safety hazards on their commute to school
District 7 employees, parents and students should exercise sound judgment regarding their personal safety during weather events. The school district cannot guarantee the safety of road conditions at any time. The district administration makes the decision whether or not to operate schools. Parents must make the decision whether or not to send their children to school during hazardous weather conditions.
During school closures, school activities and athletic events are cancelled as well. Individual schools will communicate about the rescheduling of events.
In all situations SAFETY is always our prime objective.