eLearning Day Overview
In 2018 Spartanburg School District 7 was one of five South Carolina school systems selected by the Education Oversight Committee (EOC) as part of an eLearning pilot program. Since that time, the EOC has renewed D7's eLearning program and approved additional school districts in South Carolina to participate.
When we experience a disruption in regularly scheduled school days, such as inclement weather, District 7 students are able to continue their lessons at home via eLearning. In addition to avoiding breaks in the learning process, the use of eLearning days is less disruptive for families’ schedules since it prevents the need for a make-up day.
Students will have regular assigned classwork on eLearning Days, and their teachers will be available electronically to provide support. Students will be required to complete and submit all assignments as well as communicate with their teachers during the virtual eLearning days. Teachers will be expected to make contact with students, track virtual attendance and be available to students during virtual office hours.
eLearning Grading & Attendance
How will eLearning be monitored and counted for attendance?
Teachers will assess the student’s work and determine whether the student has met the instructional goals for the day. The amount of time online is less important than the work produced and/or created by the student to demonstrate learning and mastery of learning targets.
As a district, we are still held accountable for attendance on an eLearning Day. Students will be counted present when they:
Complete and submit their digital assignments on an eLearning Day
-OR-Submit completed assignments within the two-day make-up window
If neither of these options are utilized, the student will be counted absent and assignments graded in accordance with the teacher's grading policy.
eLearning Basic Steps
Basic Steps to Follow on an eLearning Day
Prior to the anticipated eLearning day, teachers will direct students to download assignments and supporting materials at school to their MacBook.
If a student has WiFi access at home, the student can download assigments directly from Schoology website or from their OneDrive folder by logging into their Office365 account. Links for both Schoology and Office365 can be found on the District's webpage under the STUDENT tab through Classlink.
All students will initially be counted as present on the eLearning Day. However, if the assigned work is not completed and submitted within the 2-day grace period, the student must be coded as absent on the day school was cancelled. Since their assignments are just like any others, failure to do their work will be graded in accordance with the teacher's grading policy.
If a student needs help with his or her eLearning Day assignments, teachers will be available during their office hours through Schoology, email and school voicemail (when listed) which will be posted on their class website.
If available, students may download and submit assignments on a different Internet-connected device (home computer, mobile phone).
If you have questions about assignments prior to or on eLearning day, contact your child’s teacher or principal.
If a student is having technical difficulties with his or her MacBook, please call the Technology Office at 594-4489.
What if a student does not have access to the Internet?
We are aware that not all students have Internet access at home. When we anticipate having an eLearning Day, students will be given ample time at school to download all assignments and supporting materials.
Because power and Internet outages are possible during school cancellations, all students are encouraged to download all materials prior to the anticipated eLearning Day. Although Internet access will not be required to complete eLearning Day lessons, for those students wishing to use Internet resources, the district has provided a WiFi Hotspot map/list.
eLearning - Students with Special Needs
Accommodations and Modifications
Online or virtual instruction for the general curriculum must incorporate classroom accommodations and modifications as necessary to comply with student IEPs. As such, district plans for using eLearning should describe how accommodations and modifications will be provided to students with disabilities as part of the instructional delivery.
Common Accommodations
Applicable to eLearning:
Oral administration (text to speech)
Reduced amount of practice items
Reducing the amount of information on a page
Not applicable: Preferential seating, small group, or visual schedules
Supplementary Aids and Services
If the student receives supplementary aids and services that enable the student to advance appropriately toward attaining annual goals or to be involved in, and make progress in, the general education curriculum those services must be included in the eLearning plan.
Assistive Technology
If a student utilizes assistive technology (AT)* in order to access the general education curriculum or specialized instruction, ensure that the necessary AT is available to the student as needed for the eLearning assignment.
*The AT may be different but should serve the same function and the student should know how to use it.